Wednesday, October 14, 2009
one of the few things I'm sure is that in 5 years time I'll love this song:

apparently, having it on my player for more than year, I just re-discovered this uniquely vibrant and smile provoking tune, that immediately evoked a feeling of a randomly ambitious marketing graduate, who suggested this song for the new tv camapign of the blue-chip wannabe company he just started working for and who is still complacently trembling of exitement every time when an approving tap on his shoulder meant that the sales of the company rose again...

now then, with supposingly same sort of exitement, I found this ad:

and am now not suprised that there are hundreds of videos of Saturn car ads, each and every one of them with brillaint choice of music! <<<LINK>>>

well, obviously my dreams for wannabe such marketing graduate will reluctantly stay in this 50th post for now. Maybe untill 5 years time, when there will be sun sun sun :)


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