Monday, February 22, 2010
Several months ago, I'd make a childishly sophisticated analysis of the effectiveness of the following ad. I’d point who told me about it and make a link to its source. I'd emphasize on its nuances and make a broad supportive suggestion of the history of the method used in targeting the customers. Very particularly I’d be using my own imaginative database to infuse the idea that I am aware how to come up with such concept. I'd also make a runaway joke in brackets (often unsuccessful) from the seriousness of the post and will definitely try to conclude with a summarizing inspirational appeal, similar to the one incorporated in the spot. Finally I’d embed the ad:

Tomorrow I’d be grateful if you enjoyed your brief stay in the blog and will be pleasantly delighted to hear a comment from you how to improve it.
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

I would say - brainstorm! There is nothing better from a chaotic post which will leave the readers bewildered. And probably even you would be such. Paint with words, trade with thoughts :)

Unknown said...

haha and my comment was so 'chaotic' itself that I wrote 'better from' rather than 'better than' :D

pe6o said...

thanks! i am not sure for the effectiveness of the blog, but it is a bewildering idea ;)

Unknown said...

You are welcome! :) However, by provoking thoughts you are def. effective. And the key issue whether you aim to be effective or efficient :)

pe6o said...

one has to consider what he wants from the blog, highly unclear wish:) efficiency is out of the matter;)

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