Tuesday, June 23, 2009
During this week, the almighty Cannes Lions 56th International Adveritisng Festival will prove to be again the most important ad event in the world. It's more than some golden bald Oscars. It's probably more like Merilyn Monroe's lips or Marlon Brando's falos. The difference is that you can still GET them, only if you have really really great idea..

Workin in Saathi & Saatchi Bulgaria, even as an intern, I started to feel the paradoxicality of the simple idea (in its importance and diabolical misleading abilities) that can genrate great lovemarks. Here Ogilvy would say money, New Moment New Ideas would say effectiveness, Publicis Mark would say contagious converstaion. I start realise how all these different agencies and their own credo's are all just a Marketing results or capitalistic results of buying and selling basically Everything including themselves, throwing the customer from one point of persuasion to another in order buy or need something sometimes completely unnecessary (the famous criticism of the new ad age) and moreover created billions of coctail fiesta gatherings to celebrate their own superiority above the simple man the almighty of which is the big cat, the Cannes Lions...

Yet, it is a celebrtion of the human spirit towards improvement, the one thing I really admire and strive for; its a cult to the human creativity and the versatile mind that can help or even RESCUE our world; its a meeting point of brilliant minds who can show different paths in the search of a new fundamental connection with the customers, more intimate, more beautiful more...real!

In that light, I want to kiss those lips and drink some couple of seductive coctails under the French Riviera sun, smoothly enticing the irresistable italian girl next to me while saving the planet.. Now, call me an idea-listic intern;)

To keep up with the spirit of the blog, here is one Film Gold Cat from 2007. British ofcourse.


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