Friday, March 26, 2010

Imagine this article is written in 2 years. Read it. Then think again.

In a world of diminishing values and luring skepticism, where offline communication just might happen due to online one, social media serves as a river bent: strong, until you think it might get a crack. Then, the notion of its stability and validation turns into a debatable issue. I think this is what might happen.

We might all crack.

Far apart from the definition of hate [intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury], the defining feeling towards the social media is predominantly one: addiction. It may be true for a small percentage of all the people, it may be true that no one around you has not even heard of Twitter but you are certain they will. Argue if I am wrong, but how many of you tried it and never used it again? Yep, still addicted.

If you actually have not heard it, let me just prove my point: How many times you log on Facebook per day? What is the first thing you do when you get back home? How do you actually feel when you get a shared link? What is the next big buzz that is going on the web? Please, write an honest comment below. Straight to my point:

Links between people are not anymore what they used to mean.

The fluids are ever more contained within the box you are living or working in. Fear of not being connected over the web is drawing in now and then, anger of not being replied back drives your sense of being hurt. Hate is NOW emerging and it is towards the people around you. I want to drive it towards the Media itself.

Again, it might not be true for You. Reading this, you might be in your mid 20’s or more, almost fully developed a justified sense of the world having lived in times of no cell phone and no emails and successfully balancing the on/off button. But You as well perfectly know what is going around us:
7 year-old kids spend as much time in class as on their mobiles,
10 year-olds have 100’s of friends on Facebook who start build relationships online,
13 year-olds are observing 50-year-old genitals on chatroulette and…laugh. No shock. Laugh.

On the other hand, grown-ups, in probably all fields of business, need social media. They need it so badly, that

the dream of not needing it has become needless.

The flash back of the stationary telephone phone calls is accompanied with nothing but a naïve smile. Sometimes we do laugh as well.

Nevertheless, inside we feel that the unprecedented benefit of our blogs and online connection that enlarge our horizons is actually the path of introvert happiness, one which is out of necessity, not out of pure instinct. We need to share everything and paradoxically we do not need to share it with the people around us. We have become so much self-aware of how we present ourselves and the things that defines is that the famous share is care now it is careful what you share.

We have built a social media awareness how to express our feelings.

…to be continued


почивки в чужбина said...

Развесели ме тази снимка рано сутрин. Иновативна идея да направят за Медиите по този начин с невинните все още дечица.Наистина страхът не е свързан по интернет,а привлича сега и тогава, има прекалено много гняв в днешно време. "Hate" момента се изгражда към хората около нас. С тази снимка която е за медиите явно искат да покажат, до къде се е стигнало с този гняв и ярост, злоба и войни. С детето се показва бъдещето ни и една надежда да спрем с омразата и да почнем да се обичаме повече.

почивки лято 2012 в Чешме said...

Много хубава идея с това бебе как гледа сериозно и този надпис. Много ми допадат бих казала, че е доста запомняща се снимка.

частна детска ясла в София said...

За жалост е така. Светът ни започва да губи своите ценности и почва да бъде подвластен на какво ли не без да се замисляме за последиците. Снимката е много добре направена и е напълно подходяща за темата, която сте подхванали.Едно невинно бебе и с тези надписи.Понякога се усмихваме просто от уважение или няма какво да кажем така е.Много приятна статия. Дано да се замисляме повече какво оставяме на нашите деца.

езиков Център said...

I totally agree that regardless of what we feel inside that the unprecedented benefit of our blogs and online connection that expand horizons actually introverted way of happiness, which is a necessity, not of pure instinct. We need to share everything and paradoxically we should share it with those around us. Because we do not know exactly how it would

Anonymous said...

Я хочу посоветовать всем здесь, кто ищет ссуду, связаться с Pedro ссудой через, они занимаются инвестиционным и финансовым бизнес-ссудой, жилищным ссудой, стартовой ссудой, персональной ссудой, ссудой на покупку автомобиля, по ссуде со ставкой 2 взамен, он настоящая кредитная компания, которой можно доверять.

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