Friday, March 19, 2010

While in Bulgaria the advertising market is expected to slump with 7-10 %, United Kingdom expects even inflation of the market, bringing campaigns to a costly deliverance. However, that might be true only due to seasonal activity, such as the World Cup.

Interesting fact is that TV sets a 60% share in BG compared to only 26% in UK, as the volume equals around 100 MEUR for the whole 2009 and, correspondingly, estimated 336 MEUR only for May, this year. The difference is so vast as the markets are.

However, Carat says today that global ad market is down 5.9 %, more than 1% higher then previous estimations. This will further meld future discrepancies and infuse fear in budgeting for this year, postponing the rebound.

The crucial Internet in UK advertising stands on 24,8 % share, as close to the TV, while in Bulgaria the expected boom did not happen, according to PR specialists. The 17 MEUR market volume in 2009 had a rise with only 4 %, compared to a shocking 76% in 2008. The same 4% rise that UK internet will see this year.

So, with all said, expectations and numbers continue to merge in the global slumping market, where BG & UK are on the same difference plan to carefully prepare for their forthcoming renaissance next year.


регистрация на фирма said...

се повече си мисля че двата пазара нямат нищо общо, в бълагрия има компании които правят милиони, а при това нямат никаква реклама, никакво лого, никакъв сайт, просто така оп спечелват по една обществена поръчка и готова работа, що ше се мъчат с маркетинг и подобни простотии

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